Löydä kaikenlainen IT-apu yhdestä paikasta. Tarjoamme laajan valikoiman ICT-palveluita tyydyttämään yrityksesi jokapäiväiset tarpeet sinulle räätälöidyllä suunnitelmalla. Säästämme sinut ylimääräisiltä päänsäryiltä sekä rahan tuhlaamiselta.

139,95 € – 159,95 €
– Yhteensopiva alkuperäisen juotosraudan kanssa
– Korkealaatuinen SUGON-A9-juotosasema
– Helppokäyttöinen ja luotettava
– Erinomainen valinta ammattikäyttöön
– Ainutlaatuiset myyntipisteet: korkea laatu ja yhteensopivuus alkuperäisten juotosraudan kanssa
SUGON-A9 juotosasema on yhteensopiva alkuperäisen juotosraudan kanssa, mikä tekee siitä ihanteellisen valinnan ammattilaisille ja harrastelijoille. Tämä laadukas juotosasema tarjoaa tarkan lämpötilan säädön ja nopean lämmityksen, mikä tekee juottamisesta helppoa ja tehokasta. Sen kestävä rakenne ja ergonominen muotoilu takaavat mukavan ja turvallisen käyttökokemuksen.
Juotosaseman erityispiirteisiin kuuluu LED-näyttö, joka näyttää selkeästi valitun lämpötilan, sekä automaattinen nukkumistila, joka säästää energiaa ja pidentää juotosraudan käyttöikää. Lisäksi SUGON-A9 juotosasemassa on korkea lämpötilan vakaus ja nopea lämmitysaika, mikä tekee siitä luotettavan ja tehokkaan työkalun erilaisiin juottamistarpeisiin.
Tämä juotosasema tarjoaa asiakkaalle arvoa tarjoamalla ammattimaisen ja luotettavan työkalun juottamiseen, joka on helppo käyttää ja joka takaa laadukkaan lopputuloksen. SUGON-A9 juotosasema on täydellinen valinta kaikille, jotka arvostavat laadukasta ja tehokasta työkalua juottamiseen.
Paino | 1,300 kg (kilogramma) |
Mitat | 24 × 21 × 18 cm (senttimetri) |
Malli |
Certification |
Soldering iron tip |
JBC C210/C245/C115 |
Handle |
T210/T245/T115 |
Power |
120W |
Sinun on kirjauduttava sisään kun haluat kirjoittaa arvioinnin.
Jos et löytänyt vastausta mieltäsi askarruttavaan asiaan, täytä lomake niin vastaamme sinulle.
Se käy helposti, kun seuraat alla olevia ohjeita:
Postin automaatti, Prisma Riihimäki
(Voimalankatu 2, 11100 Riihimäki)
Maximum Effort / NileTech
Pesispolku 2 As. 1, 11130 Riihimäki.
045 160 7888
Kiitos että valitsit meidät!
Loppunut varastosta
Löydä kaikenlainen IT-apu yhdestä paikasta. Tarjoamme laajan valikoiman ICT-palveluita tyydyttämään yrityksesi jokapäiväiset tarpeet sinulle räätälöidyllä suunnitelmalla. Säästämme sinut ylimääräisiltä päänsäryiltä sekä rahan tuhlaamiselta.
© 2013-2024 NileTech | Maximum Effort Ay 2937256-1 - kaikki oikeudet pidätetään.
Made with ❤ by LaamaFusion
a***z –
Excellent, I love myself and I get very fast
a***z –
Excellent, I love myself and I get very fast
I***z –
An excellent purchase, it came very well packaged and when it is heated very quickly it works for the little and the most undoubtedly one of my best investments
I***z –
An excellent purchase, it came very well packaged and when it is heated very quickly it works for the little and the most undoubtedly one of my best investments
I***z –
An excellent purchase, it came very well packaged and when it is heated very quickly it works for the little and the most undoubtedly one of my best investments
I***z –
An excellent purchase, it came very well packaged and when it is heated very quickly it works for the little and the most undoubtedly one of my best investments
I***z –
An excellent purchase, it came very well packaged and when it is heated very quickly it works for the little and the most undoubtedly one of my best investments
I***z –
An excellent purchase, it came very well packaged and when it is heated very quickly it works for the little and the most undoubtedly one of my best investments
I***z –
An excellent purchase, it came very well packaged and when it is heated very quickly it works for the little and the most undoubtedly one of my best investments
I***z –
An excellent purchase, it came very well packaged and when it is heated very quickly it works for the little and the most undoubtedly one of my best investments
I***z –
An excellent purchase, it came very well packaged and when it is heated very quickly it works for the little and the most undoubtedly one of my best investments
I***z –
An excellent purchase, it came very well packaged and when it is heated very quickly it works for the little and the most undoubtedly one of my best investments
a***d –
I am extremely surprised at the small size of the device; However, the size is nothing. The welding station is very well finished. Adjustment accuracy is effective, temperature rise and fast. The connecting cable for the soldering iron handle is flexible; However, I wish it was a bit longer. This first examination at the reception is very satisfactory both in terms of the safety of packaging, the speed of sending, and the visual quality of the device.
a***d –
I am extremely surprised at the small size of the device; However, the size is nothing. The welding station is very well finished. Adjustment accuracy is effective, temperature rise and fast. The connecting cable for the soldering iron handle is flexible; However, I wish it was a bit longer. This first examination at the reception is very satisfactory both in terms of the safety of packaging, the speed of sending, and the visual quality of the device.
a***d –
I am extremely surprised at the small size of the device; However, the size is nothing. The welding station is very well finished. Adjustment accuracy is effective, temperature rise and fast. The connecting cable for the soldering iron handle is flexible; However, I wish it was a bit longer. This first examination at the reception is very satisfactory both in terms of the safety of packaging, the speed of sending, and the visual quality of the device.
a***d –
I am extremely surprised at the small size of the device; However, the size is nothing. The welding station is very well finished. Adjustment accuracy is effective, temperature rise and fast. The connecting cable for the soldering iron handle is flexible; However, I wish it was a bit longer. This first examination at the reception is very satisfactory both in terms of the safety of packaging, the speed of sending, and the visual quality of the device.
a***d –
I am extremely surprised at the small size of the device; However, the size is nothing. The welding station is very well finished. Adjustment accuracy is effective, temperature rise and fast. The connecting cable for the soldering iron handle is flexible; However, I wish it was a bit longer. This first examination at the reception is very satisfactory both in terms of the safety of packaging, the speed of sending, and the visual quality of the device.
D***n –
I arrived very fast a week before
D***n –
I arrived very fast a week before
D***n –
I arrived very fast a week before